Analisis Kerapatan Populasi Nematoda Parasitik pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Asal Kabupaten Sigi Biromaru

Article History

Submited : February 7, 2022
Published : December 30, 2010

The purpose of this study was to determine the population density of parasitical nematodes on tomatoes. This research used a purposive sampling survey in jonooge and Sidera villages Sigi Biromaru sub district Donggala regency. The research results showed that the nematode population density in jonooge village was 71.00 JI/10 g roots and 63.33 JI/100 g soil whereas in sidera village 43.00 JI/10 g roots and 38.00 JI/100 g soil.

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